Black Forest Community Church, United Church of Christ 

Job Description

This document was created on December 3, 2019

Job Title: Multigenerational Ministry Guide  (Part-Time) 

Guide: To assist (a person/people) to travel through, or reach a destination in an unfamiliar area, as by accompanying or giving directions to the person: She guided us through a new area of ministry. 

General Purpose:

In collaboration with staff team, lectionary and liturgical calendar; provide experiences for young people with the whole community, to learn faith through arts, ritual and peace/justice integration. 


  • Build relationships with congregation, especially families with children in the home. 

  • Provide hospitality to families on Sunday morning- name tags, directions, etc. for how Sunday morning will work. 

  • Provide options in the PRAYground that coordinate with worship theme.

  • Story-telling during worship, on occasion - Words of Wonder with children and/or adults. 

  • On the 2,3,4 Sundays of the month (depending on number of children) be prepared to take kids out of worship for (Ways of Wonder) their own simple "ritual" time in hardesty hall during the sermon- until worship is over. This is optional for children and at the direction of the guide.


  • Communicate weekly/bi-monthly with families and/or get information weekly into the e-mail blast and to update social media. 


  • Participate in worship as needed including preaching on occasion. 

  • Integrate young people into leadership roles in worship or other ministries. 

  • Engage young people in worship (sit with them near or in the PRAYground or with them in the pew- if needed) 

  • Teach young people how to worship (by modeling), and older people how to worship with children. 

  • Monthly, (give or take) provide more in-depth programming after worship For ALL People, ie Advent Workshop, Lenten Workshop, World Communion Sunday, All Saints Sunday, Arts Sunday (usually in September connected to end of summer- beginning of program year), blessing of the land/St. Francis, multigenerational "speed dating" days, 

  • Teaching the congregation how to worship together.