
What to Expect


What to Expect

First Time Visiting?

Visiting a new church can be intimidating. Here is some information to help.

Worship Time

Our service starts at 10 am and lasts about an hour. We provide coffee and treats in the foyer before church, so people can chat and spend social time together.


Some of us wear blue jeans, while others wear business clothing. Wear what makes you comfortable.


The sanctuary and the upstairs of the building are wheelchair accessible. The restrooms are in the basement which can be reached by driving around to our back parking lot and entering the Fellowship Hall.


We believe in the Priesthood of all Believers. This means that all the people of the church are in ministry to and with each other.


Our children and youth are invited to worship in our multi-generational setting.

“Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kin-dom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kin-dom of God as a little child will never enter it.” Mark 10:14 & 15

We love having young people in our midst! We are a small but mighty congregation that invites and encourages young people to be full participants in the life of the church. Young people are often invited to be in leadership roles on Sunday morning. We also provide a children’s area in the back of the sanctuary for our littlest members to play so they can still be in fellowship with us. There is a comfy “adult” chair for parents whose children require supervision. Pews are on both sides of the children’s area for the whole family so you can be together.


We celebrate Holy Communion monthly, usually on the first Sunday of every month. Our Table is set and Open for everyone who would like to partake in the sacrament. You do not need to be a member of our church or any church to participate. Everyone is welcome at the Lord’s table, from the youngest to the oldest, no matter where you are in your faith journey.


We offer a wide variety of music and styles.


Join Our Faith Family

Join Our Faith Family

Are you interested in joining our community of faith?

We are eager to get to know you better! We look forward to learning about your family or household, and what gifts you have and are willing to share with the BFCC. Becoming a part of BFCC will be more like a covenant.

Covenant means a spiritual promise to do church together- a committed relationship to and with the community.

It is our way of saying that you are a “member” of our church community. Being at BFCC will be more like a community than like a country club. It will be more like a gathering of shared values, deep conversations, shared meals, and thoughtful rituals, than like a party you might attend. It is a place where you can share all of who you are, your dreams, your hopes, and your challenges so that we can all do ministry together and find out where God is in all of our relationships.

This church is full of hard-working, engaged people. We envision that if you are a part and feel like you belong, it will be a reciprocal relationship. When you covenant with us (or become a member) we hope that you will participate in a variety of ways:

When you covenant to a church, you make an agreement:

  1. To gather in corporate worship on Sunday

  2. Serve the ministries of the church to the best of your ability

  3. Have awareness of our mission and vision

  4. Financially contribute as you can

If you are interested in learning more about this process, please contact the church office at office@blackforestcommunitychurch.org.


Forming Faith

Across Generations

Forming Faith

Across Generations

Multi-generational Faith Formation

Here are the experiences we offer for faith forming:  

  1. PRAYground (for pre-k-5th grades) in the back of the sanctuary every Sunday.  

  2. Multigenerational Worship, our hope is that young people will engage in the whole life of the corporate worship liturgy, music and ritual.  Parents, we encourage you to help your children be full participants.

  3. Monthly Sunday School, the youth are invited to get together monthly with adult supervision to learn more about church and our teachings.

  4. Adult only small group classes, meditation and contemplation groups, issue/topic based discussion groups or vespers

Forming Faith Across Generations

Stay tuned for upcoming monthly Multigenerational Faith Formation Programs…


Multigenerational Faith Formation

Once a month we will gather the whole church (children, youth & adults) to break bread together (pot-luck) as Jesus did with his people and engage together hands-on learning.

Multi-generational Worship

We  are unapologetically creating space for multi-generational faith learning. This means faith-learning for all people.


For Kids

For Kids

PRAYground and Children’s Time

The PrayGround is a special place in the back of the sanctuary where the kiddos can quietly read and draw during the service. There are pews designated for families so they can be together or a parent can supervise their young one while the rest of the family sits elsewhere. We believe in families worshipping together and invite and encourage children of all ages to be with us during church service. We also provide a Children’s Time at the beginning of service to provide the children a time of conversation and expressing their ideas about the theme of the day!

Camps and Retreats

Our church located about a mile east of La Foret Conference and Retreat Center, a ministry of the United Church of Christ and our partner in ministry. La Foret with the collaboration of the Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Church of Christ offers a variety of programs for children, youth and adults throughout the year.

Every Fall and Spring there is a youth retreat (6th grade-12 grade). Every summer there are week long summer camps for children entering 2nd grade through youth finishing 12 grade. You can get more details at www.rmcucc.org.

BFCC heps supports these ministries by providing scholarships/sponsorships for children and youth to attend.

Monthly Get Togethers

The youth get together monthly with adult supervision. Times and days vary depending on everyone’s schedule. We have painted bird houses and feeders, put together a fairy garden and created a summer list of activities families can do together. The youth get involved in church services once a month and are encouraged to express their artistic and spiritual talents within the church life.