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Preaching Schedule
Check out who is going to be giving the message throughout the month!
BFCC Upcoming Events
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Boogie’in, Bless’in and Plant’in…This is how you do community!
This past season found us holding our annual bonfire, but with a bonus of having our house DJ, Levi Murray present. He got us mov’in and grov’in and not only did the kids have a blast, but a few hips almost went out with the rest of us. Last year, we had to take down about 15 lovely spruces that were diseased. The only good side is that the front of our church is now wide open and everyone can actually see the beautiful stained glass windows that we have. Our house gardener, Angela Sorrentino got us rounded up to plant about 40 different bushes and flowers to beautify that area. We can’t wait to see how it looks next summer. And last but not least, we held our annual Blessing of the Land. We know how easy it is to forget that this land belonged to others before us and we honor them and our sacred nature kin and vow to take care of our campus. Oh and how could I forget, we held a volunteer job fair which was a blast!