December 22, 2024/Fourth Sunday of Advent

GATHERING MUSIC                                                                           Hope Tuin

WELCOME                                                                      Reverend Shelly Wilson           

A TIME FOR CHILDREN                                             Reverend Shelly Wilson           

CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                          Ethan Font

One: In this weary world,

ALL: we sing of Love!

One: In this fragile world,

ALL: we lift each other up.

One: In this beautiful world,

ALL: we look for God.

One: In this tender world,

ALL: we live into Love. 

One: This is the invitation of faith.

ALL: So in this time of worship, may we sing, lift up, look for, and hold onto our with-us God, with hope, peace, joy, and love in our hearts, amen!


   Andy, Christy, Avery & Porter Green

OPENING HYMN          “O Come, All Ye Faithful”                            #132

PASSING OF THE PEACE                                                                Ethan Font

HYMN OF PREPARATION    “God Rest Ye Merry Winterfolk” 

1. God rest ye merry winterfolk, let none of you dismay. Remember that the Sun returns upon this solstice day. The growing dark is ended now and spring is on its way,  Oh! Tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, Oh! Tidings of comfort and joy! 

2. The winter’s worst still lies ahead, fierce tempest, snow, and rain. Beneath the blanket on the ground, the spark of Life remains. The Sun’s warm rays caress the seeds to raise Life’s song again, Oh! Tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, Oh! Tidings of comfort and joy! 

3. Within the blessed apple lies the promise of the spring, For from this center seed shall rise the orchards fresh and green. The Earth shall blossom once again, the air be sweet and clean, Oh! Tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, Oh! Tidings of comfort and joy! 

SCRIPTURE            Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:46-53           Lorena Wilder

SPECIAL MUSIC                 “Carol for Advent”          

BFCC Choir, Leah Broyles, director

READING (from our Advent series Words for the Beginning)Lorena Wilder

INTERACTING WITH THE WORD     Reverend Shelly Wilson

“Christmas Spirit…Love”                                                      

INTERLUDE              A time of silent reflection

PRAYERS FOR ADVENT 4 Reverend Shelly Wilson

                                            THE LORD’S PRAYER

Our Creator who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kin-dom* come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, 

as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, 

but deliver us from evil for thine is the kin-dom, 

and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.  

INVITATION TO THE OFFERING                                                Ethan Font

(We invite you to place your gift in the offering plate or place your hand over the plate to bless the gifts)

OFFERING/SPECIAL MUSIC           “Mary, Did You Know?”   

                           Mona Navalta, solo; Stephanie Font, signing 

DOXOLOGY   (please rise as able in body or spirit and sing the doxology)

             Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below;

             Praise God for all that love has done; Creator, Christ and Spirit, One. Amen

BLESSING OF THE OFFERING                                                      Ethan Font

PARTING SONG  “Hope is Worth the Risk” (tune: “Sing We Now of Christmas)

Author’s note (the Rev. Anna Strickland): This hymn was written in the midst of the popular University for Gaza movement across college campuses in the spring of 2024. Spending time with the students at the University of Texas day after day, I witnessed the many creative ways they protested on the South Lawn, from screen printing to poetry workshops. None of this made the news, as those in power benefit from the narrative that protestors are violent. Wondering what other narratives have been similarly silenced, I was inspired to learn and write about creative acts of nonviolent resistance, highlighting the hopeful risk-takers across the world. Events referenced, in order, include: anti-war demonstrations across American college campuses (1960’s–present); the Mahsa Amini protests in Iran (2022–2023); the Wild Lily (1990) and Sunflower (2014) student movements in Taiwan; the Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace (2003); and the Singing Revolution in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania (1988).

1. College students gather protesting for peace, Standing firm in spite of violence from police

Refrain: Empires will fight with force or politics, Still the Spirit whispers, “Hope is worth the risk”

2. Young girls in Iran to protest the regime, Take off their hijabs to let their hair be seen

Refrain: Empires will fight with force or politics, Still the Spirit whispers, “Hope is worth the risk”

3. In Taiwan the dreamers flood the streets with blooms, Sunflowers and lilies liberty’s perfume

Refrain: Empires will fight with force or politics, Still the Spirit whispers, “Hope is worth the risk”

4. Liberian women scarred by civil war, Keep the peace talks going by barring the doors

Refrain: Empires will fight with force or politics, Still the Spirit whispers, “Hope is worth the risk”

5. Ethnic music rings out from the Baltic Sea, As the people sing their right to liberty

Refrain: Empires will fight with force or politics, Still the Spirit whispers, “Hope is worth the risk”

6. Age to age and coast to coast people have stood, Risking something big in hope of something good. Refrain: Empires will fight with force or politics, Still the Spirit whispers, “Hope is worth the risk”

ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                     Cindy Halsey

  • Christmas Eve service is December 24 at 5:00 PM.

  • The next Sunday School class is January 12, 2025. 

  • The first Adult Education Class in 2025 will be on January 12 immediately following church. It will be about Preventing Public Prayer Trauma, led by Barbara Murray, Vanessa Livie and Leslie Sheley. We encourage families and youth to attend.  

  • Save the date; January 19 is our Annual Congregational Meeting. This meeting lasts a little longer than the budget meeting as we have a slide show highlighting what went on in 2024; we vote on new board members and bless them.

BENEDICTION                                                               Reverend Shelly Wilson

POSTLUDE                                                                                            Hope Tuin

Welcome Guests and Visitors!

We invite you to wear a name tag and complete a visitor card (both found in the Narthex), and drop it in the offering plate so we can send you weekly emails and call if desired. We invite everyone to join us for coffee, treats and fellowship before worship in the foyer.

References to God in traditional prayers, readings, and hymns in our worship may sometimes be gender specific. As we pray and sing together, you are invited to substitute terms that reflect your understanding of the full inclusiveness of the spirit of God.

We acknowledge that the land on which this church stands is the homeland and unceded territory of the Tséstho’e (Cheyenne). We acknowledge this indigenous community who stewarded this land throughout the generations and pay respect to their elders past and present.

Ministry Team:                                                            Board Members:

Reverend Dr. Shelly Wilson                                        Janet Burns, Personnel

Dr. Levi Murray                                                         Brad Carroll, Buildings & Grounds

Leslie Sheley, Ministry Coordinator                            Sue Garrett, Secretary

Hope Tuin, Accompanist                                            Cindy Halsey, Treasurer

                                                                                                 Shelley Levi, Member at Large

                                                                                      Steve Murtagh, Chairperson

                                                                                      Lisa Snyder, Asst Treasurer