March 30, 2025 Guide

                            Fifth Sunday in Lent/No Mud, No Lotus  

GATHERING MUSIC                                                                           Hope Tuin

WELCOME                                                                                    Steve Murtagh

A TIME FOR CHILDREN                                                          Stephanie Font

CALL TO WORSHIP               (May Sarton)                          Amanda Weisseg

One: Come out of the dark Earth, here where the minerals glow in their stone cells, Deeper than seed or birth. 

ALL: Come into the pure air Above all heaviness Of storm and cloud to this Light-possessed atmosphere. 

One: Come into, out of, under The Earth, the wave, the air. 

ALL: Love, touch us everywhere.  

OPENING PRAYER                                                                  Amanda Weisseg

OPENING HYMN                    “We Are Walking”                             #366        

PASSING OF THE PEACE                                                      Amanda Weisseg 

A STORY           “The Prodigal Transgender Daughter” by Susan Cottrell,  founder and    president of FreedHearts    

HYMN OF PREPARATION    “Break Not the Circle”                   #367      

SCRIPTURE                          Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32                         Lorena Wilder

INTERACTING WITH THE WORD     “Embrace of Grace”                  Reverend Shelly Wilson

INTERLUDE            A time of silent reflection

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE   (adapted from a poem by Mary Crummer)        Lorena Wilder

(All are invited to come to the table and light a prayer candle in silence.) 


Our Creator who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kin-dom* come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, 

as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, 

but deliver us from evil for thine is the kin-dom, 

and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.  

INVITATION TO THE OFFERING                                       Amanda Weisseg

  (We invite you to place your gift in the offering plate or place your hand over the plate to bless the gifts)


DOXOLOGY  (please rise as able in body or spirit and sing the doxology)             #46

         Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below;

        Praise God for all that love has done; Creator, Christ and Spirit, One. Amen

BLESSING OF THE OFFERING                                       Amanda Weisseg

PARTING SONG                     “Amazing Grace”                               #401          

ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                     Cindy Halsey

  • Thank you to everyone who donated to Fresh Start Center! 

  • April 12, 10 AM - 12:30 PM or 12 PM - 2:30 PM we will have the opportunity to help Fresh Start Center with intake from their food drive. Talk to Lisa Snyder.

  • April 13 is the next Sunday School Class.

  • April 13, Tri-Lake Cares, another community organization we are partnering with this year is coming to talk to us about what they do and how we can help. 

  • Holy Week Stations of the Cross Walkthrough will be Thursday, April 17, 5-7 PM and Friday April 18, from 1-3 PM. We are inviting the congregation to adopt a station; talk to Barb Lehman if interested. 

  • April 19, 4 PM is the next men’s get together or the next snow storm.

BENEDICTION   (prayer from the Corrymeela Community)  

Steve Murtagh


POSTLUDE                                                                                            Hope Tuin

Welcome Guests and Visitors!

We invite you to wear a name tag and complete a visitor card (both found in the Narthex), and drop it in the offering plate so we can send you weekly emails and call if desired. We invite everyone to join us for coffee, treats and fellowship before worship in the foyer.

References to God in traditional prayers, readings, and hymns in our worship may sometimes be gender specific. As we pray and sing together, you are invited to substitute terms that reflect your understanding of the full inclusiveness of the spirit of God.

We acknowledge that the land on which this church stands is the homeland and unceded territory of the Tséstho’e (Cheyenne). We acknowledge this indigenous community who stewarded this land throughout the generations and pay respect to their elders past and present.

Ministry Team:                                                            Board Members:

Reverend Dr. Shelly Wilson                                        Brad Carroll, Buildings & Grounds

Dr. Levi Murray                                                         Sue Garrett, Secretary

Leslie Sheley, Ministry Coordinator                            Cindy Halsey, Treasurer

Hope Tuin, Accompanist                                            Shelley Levi, Member at Large

                                                                                                 Sharon Radspinner, Member at Large

Lisa Snyder, Asst Treasurer

Steve Sorensen, IT